华慧考博英语:气候危机与文化战争的纠缠 (6)

2022-02-07 21:32点击次数:1429

  • Using ISDs tools, researchers were able to map the sources of tweets containing the hashtag, and the relationships between them.
  • 利用ISDs工具,研究人员能够绘制包含该标签的推文来源,以及它们之间的关系。
  • What we found at that stage was that it was basically just Baker and his allies continually retweeting it to create the impression of there being a lot of concern around this issue, said Mat Hope, a former DeSmog editor.
  • DeSmog前编辑马特-霍普(Mat Hope)说,我们在那个阶段发现,基本上只是贝克和他的盟友不断转发,以制造围绕这个问题有很多人关注的印象。
  • We were able to show that it was a manufactured controversy, not some authentic insight from somebody with their finger on the countrys pulse. (Steve Baker did not respond to a request for comment.)
  • 我们能够表明,这是一个制造出来的争议,而不是某个掌握着国家脉搏的人的真实见解(Steve Baker没有回应评论请求。)
  • In the months that followed, however, disquiet over the net zero transition began ramping up in sections of the UK press initially in outlets such as Spiked Online and GB News, but eventually creeping into the pages of major newspapers such as the Daily Telegraph and the Sun, too.
  • 然而,在随后的几个月里,英国新闻界对零排放过渡的不安开始加剧,最初是在Spiked Online和GB News等媒体上,但最终也悄悄进入了《每日电讯报》和《太阳报》等主要报纸的版面。
  • In August, the Spectator magazine printed an image of banknotes tumbling into a void on its cover, with the headline The cost of net zero;
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