
2020-11-03 16:30点击次数:3070

未成年人保护法 Law on Protection of Minors


The amended Law on Protection of Minors has almost twice as many clauses as the old version of the law and includes a new chapter on internet protection in a bid to protect those under the age of 18 when they are online.


Minor这个词用法很多,可以用作动词、名词和形容词。在法律上,minor指未满18岁的人,即“未成年人”。在学校里,minor可以指“辅修(课程)”或者“辅修生”,与major(专业)相对,比如,I'm minoring in computer science./Computer science is my minor.(我辅修计算机科学。)用作形容词的时候,minor也是与major相对的,表示“次要的、轻微的、小的”,比如,She played a number of minor roles in films.(她在电影里扮演过一些小角色。)

Underage和minor都表示“未成年”,二者的区别在于,underage是形容词,表示“is legally too young to do something”,也就是“未到法定年龄的”,比如:underage youth(未成年人)、underage drinking(未成年人饮酒行为)等;而minor是名词,与adult相对,大家应该都很熟悉了,比如:cigarette sales to minors are not allowed(禁止向未成年人销售香烟)。



Internet product and service providers shall not offer minors with products and services that induce addiction, says the revision.

Providers of online services, including game, livestream, audio and video, and social media, shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit, authorization and consumption limit for minors, according to the revision.



The minors under cyberbullying and their parents and guardians have the right to inform the internet service providers to take measures such as deleting, blocking or disconnecting links.


Cyberbullying(网络欺凌),这个概念指的是人们通过互联网对个人或群体的恶意、重复伤害行为。Bully这个词作名词讲的时候就是指“恶霸,仗势欺人者”,比如:I fell victim to the office bully.(我成了办公室恶霸的欺凌对象),所以,实施网络欺凌的人是cyberbully,实施校园欺凌的人就叫school bully。


Upon receiving the notice, the service provider shall take necessary measures to stop the bullying and prevent the spread of related information, says the revision.



The revision also makes provisions on sexual assault and harassment against minors, stipulating that schools and kindergartens shall not conceal such illegal and criminal acts, and shall promptly report to the public security and education authorities, and cooperate with relevant departments according to law.

The revised law makes it clear that the country should establish a database of offenders who sexually assault, abuse, abduct or violently harm children and share the information with facilities that work with minors.



Hotel operators should ask children for the phone numbers of their parents or guardians when they try to check in alone or with other adults. The operators must call police quickly if they uncover a suspected crime or violation of the law.


含汞体温计 mercury thermometers


China will ban the production of mercury thermometers and sphygmomanometers nationwide starting in 2026, according to the statement.


Mercury除了在这里表示“汞(水银)”之外,首字母大写的时候Mercury还是太阳系八大行星之一“水星”的英文名称,水星也是太阳系八大行星(eight planets in the solar system)中离太阳最近、体积最小的行星。其他几个行星按照距离太阳由近及远的顺序排列分别是:Venus(金星)、Earth(地球)、Mars(火星)、Jupiter(木星)、Saturn(土星)、Uranus(天王星)、Neptune(海王星)。

Thermometer读作[θə(r)'mɒmɪtə(r)],指“温度计;体温计”,这个词由thermo和meter两部分组成,thermo表示“热的,热力的”,一般用作合成词的前缀,比如,thermoanalysis(热分析)等,我们冬季常用的保温杯就是thermos;meter在这里并不是我们所熟知的距离单位“米”,而是“计量器”,比如,出租车上计程打表的仪器就叫taxi meter。新冠肺炎疫情期间销售火爆的“额温枪”是forehead thermometer,机场、地铁使用的“红外测温仪”就是infrared-enabled thermometer。


Medical equipment manufacturers with valid registration certificates and production licenses are allowed to continue their production of such medical devices and will be granted renewal of their certificates until Dec 31, 2025.

In terms of those who are in the process of acquiring production certification, the administration still will issue registration certificates and production licenses in accordance with the regulation, with the validity period not exceeding Dec 31, 2025.


汞俗称水银,是常温下唯一呈液态的金属(metal which is liquid at ordinary temperatures),大量应用于各种产品和工艺中。汞及其化合物(mercury and its compounds)的产生、使用和排放会造成环境污染(environmental pollution),严重时引起人类和哺乳类动物神经、免疫、生殖系统(neural, immune and reproductive systems)的机能紊乱,尤其对胎儿和孕妇有较大影响。

我国是首批加入《关于汞的水俣公约》(the Minamata Convention on Mercury)的国家,该公约简称为 《水俣公约》,其目标是保护人体健康和环境免受汞和汞化合物人为排放和释放的危害(to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of anthropogenic releases of mercury)。《水俣公约》得名于日本城市水俣,1950年代后期,水俣当地居民受到被汞污染的工业废水(the release of mercury into industrial wastewater)的毒害。全球通过了《关于汞的水俣公约》,以纪念因汞中毒而丧生的众多遇难者,并要求相关行业吸取教训。该公约通过采用现有的较好做法以及较安全替代品,对汞的生命周期进行管控来帮助所有国家。


新冠疫苗 COVID-19 vaccine

China currently has 13 vaccine candidates in clinical trials, of which three inactivated vaccines and one adenovirus vector vaccine are in phase three trials, and about 60,000 volunteers have been inoculated with the four vaccine candidates, said Tian Baoguo, deputy head of the Department of Science and Technology for Social Development of the Ministry of Science and Technology.


关于“疫苗”的几个词,vaccine就是“疫苗”本身,vaccinate就是“注射疫苗、接种疫苗”这个动作,而其名词形式vaccination就是“接种疫苗”这件事。上文中用到的inoculate在表示“接种(疫苗)”这个意思的时候与vaccinate是可以互换使用的,其名词形式是inoculation,不过inoculate还可以表示“灌输(思想)”,常用的搭配是inoculate someone with,比如:The teacher inoculated them with the idea that the individual can always make a difference in this world.(老师给他们灌输的思想是,个人是可以给这个世界带来改变的。)

Ⅲ期临床试验结果是验证疫苗保护力(vaccine-induced protection)国际公认的有效性指标。田保国介绍,目前进入Ⅲ期临床试验的新冠病毒疫苗,发生的不良反应基本为轻度不良反应(mild adverse reactions),比如接种部位局部疼痛、红肿(pain and swelling at the injection site),以及一过性的低烧、发热等。




The nation's annual COVID-19 vaccine production capacity could reach 610 million doses this year and it will expand further next year.


Capacity这个词通常表示“容量;(生产)能力”,比如,The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000.(这个体育馆能容纳5万名观众);We have enough production capacity to ensure equitable access to a COVID-19 vaccine. (我们有足够的产能确保新冠疫苗公平分配)。这几年的《政府工作报告》中经常提到的“三去一降一补”就包括“去产能”,完整的说法是:去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板(cutting overcapacity, destocking, deleveraging, reducing costs and fixing weak links)。


生态环境质量改善 environmental improvements

China will be able to meet all of its nine pollution control targets during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) period as scheduled. "The environmental improvements in the country after 2015 have been bigger than those in each of the other five-year plan periods," said Zhao Yingmin, vice-minister of ecology and environment, at the news conference.


这里的as scheduled是一个固定搭配,表示“按时、如期”,比如:The train will be leaving as scheduled.(火车会按时发车)。Schedule这个词,我们并不陌生,可以用作动词或名词表示“安排日程;日程”,比如,I have a hectic schedule this week(我这周要忙死了)。My English lesson is scheduled for 2 pm.(我的英语课安排在下午2点)。值得注意的是,这个词在英式英语和美式英语中的发音很不一样,在英式英语中读作[ˈʃedʒ.uːl],在美式英语中读作[ˈskedʒ.uːl],大家不要记混了哦。


2019年全国地表水质量达到或好于Ⅲ类水体(the proportion of surface water with a water quality rating of Grade III or higher)比例上升8.9个百分点,达到74.9%,

地表水质量劣Ⅴ类水体比例(the proportion of water with quality below Grade V)下降6.3个百分点,达到3.4%;

细颗粒物(PM2.5)未达标地级及以上城市浓度(density of PM 2.5 in prefecture-level cities with low air quality standards)下降23.1%,

全国337个地级及以上城市空气质量优良天数比率(the proportion of days with good air quality in 337 prefecture-level cities)达到82%;

化学需氧量、氨氮、二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放总量(discharge of chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, and oxynitride)累计分别下降11.5%、11.9%、22.5%、16.3%;

单位GDP二氧化碳排放(carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP)累计降低18.2%。



From January to September, the proportion of days with fairly good air quality in those cities reached 87.2 percent, 5.7 percentage points higher than that of the same period in 2019. The country is expected to meet its ninth goal of at least 84.5 percent of days with good air quality in the 337 monitored cities by year's end.


驾照年龄限制 age limit for driving license

China will allow citizens over 70 to apply for driving licenses, on condition that their health meets the requirements for safe driving, the Ministry of Public Security announced.


“驾照”可以用driving license或者driver's license表示。根据现行规定,想考取驾照的人必须上至少64小时的driving classes held by training schools(驾校课程),包括两门driving theory(驾照理论)课和两门driving practice(驾照实践)课。

允许70岁以上人员申请的驾照类型分别为小型汽车(compact cars)、小型自动挡汽车(compact automatic transmission cars)、轻便摩托车(lightweight motorcycle)。

Applicants over 70 will have to pass tests of their memory, judgment, reaction time and other abilities to ensure they are capable of driving safely. They will also need to have a medical checkup and submit the result each year.



The minimum age requirement for a driver's license for a large coach will be reduced from 26 to 22, and that for a driver's license for a towing vehicle from 24 to 22. The upper age limit for a driver's license for large or medium-sized passenger cars and trucks will be raised from 50 to 60.


License applicants will be able to have the checkups in nearby medical institutions, including township hospitals, community health service centers and physical examination centers.


Excluding minivans, noncommercial cars with seven to nine seats that have been in operation for more than six years but less than 10 years will no longer need to pass an annual inspection. Instead, they will now be inspected once every two years.

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