经济学人:日本女性发起一场抵制高跟鞋的运动| 双语精读

2020-11-09 15:55点击次数:1195

(标题)Japanese women rebel against painful dress codes
  • rebel against(sb/ sth) 反抗、抵制...

  • dress codes:着装规范  熟词僻意 code原意是 密码;暗码;电码。在这里是 道德准则;行为规范 的意思。比如说 a strict code of conduct 严格的行为准则

(副标题)Some employers care more about how they look than how they feel
① Ishikawa Yumi worked eight-hour shifts as an usher in a funeral parlour, always in heels. ② Her employer insisted. ③ Her toes bled. ④ “Why do we have to hurt our feet at work, when men can wear flat shoes?” she complained on Twitter. ⑤ The tweet exploded. ⑥ Encouraged, she gathered 18,800 signatures on a petition calling for a ban on employers requiring women to wear high heels, which she submitted to the government last June. 
  • ⭐️熟词僻意  eight-hour shifts:熟词僻意shift 在这里是  班;轮班;轮班工作时间 的意思

  • usher:n. 接待员;带位员;接待员。usher 也可作动词 把…引往;引导;引领。有一个固定短语 usher sth in 是 开创;开始;开启 的意思。The change of management ushered in fresh ideas and policies. 更换领导班子带来了新思想和新政策。

  • flat shoes:平底鞋。

  • ⭐️The tweet exploded 这条推特爆炸了= 这条推特立马火了。①  The+名词表示特指,特指前面那位女士发的推。②  explode:v.   /ɪkˈspləʊd/ 原意是“炸裂;爆炸”。那一条推特“爆炸"了,意思很好理解啊,就是“引发热议”了呀。

  • ⭐️Encouraged 分词作定语,修饰句中主语“she”。因为she是“被鼓励”,所以encourage用被动。

  • a petition calling for...:呼吁...的请愿书。

① Ms Ishikawa became the face of the #KuToo# campaign—a pun on Japanese words for shoes (kutsu) and pain (kutsuu), with a nod to the #MeToo# movement. ② More than 60% of Japanese women with jobs have been forced to squeeze their feet into heels at work or have witnessed colleagues having to, according to a survey. 
  • became the face of...:成为...的代言人。

  • pun: /pʌn/   双关语。

  • ⭐️with a nod to 原意是 “对...打招呼;点头致意”,那么文中,一项活动向另一项活动“点头致意” 也就是“相呼应”的意思对不对?意思是,这俩差不多。

  • squeeze:V.   /skwiːz/  (使)挤入;挤过;塞入

① Female staff at Takashimaya, a department store, must parade around the shop in 5cm heels. ② The former defence minister, Inada Tomomi, felt obliged to totter about in heels even on the deck of a visiting American aircraft carrier. ③ Dress codes at many Japanese firms are rigid. ④ Some ban glasses for women (but not men), on the grounds that they are unflattering. ⑤ This is especially unreasonable for those who find contact lenses uncomfortable. 
  • parade:V.  /pəˈreɪd/  原意是 游行;这里就是简单的“在店里来回走动”。

  • feel obliged to: 感到不得不做某事。

  • oblige v.   /əˈblaɪdʒ/ (以法律、义务等)强迫,迫使。  I felt obliged to ask them to dinner. 我不得不请他们吃饭。

  • totter v.   /ˈtɒtə(r)/  蹒跚;踉跄;跌跌撞撞  同义词 stagger

  • rigid:adj. 死板的;僵化的;一成不变的

  • ⭐️on the grounds that...:理由是...;由于(根据); 基于...

  • unflattering:adj. adj. 不吸引人的,不好看的;有损形象的

  • contact lenses: 隐形眼镜。


① “Women have always been told to follow the dress code, even if it causes pain,” says Ms Ishikawa. ② Japanese bosses, who tend to be older men, often expect their female underlings to gaman (endure it).  ③ The government has dug in its heels. ④ A former labour minister, who received Ms Ishikawa’s petition last year, insists that wearing high heels at work is “necessary and appropriate”. 
  • tend to be...:往往是...
  • underlings: n. 下属,部下;走卒
  • gaman (endure it) 这个部分 gaman 是日语的发音。后面括号里的内容是对它的解释:忍耐。
  • ⭐️The government has dug in its heels:政府也深陷到了高跟鞋里去。隐喻,表示 官方的这种思维也是根深蒂固。


① The petition itself has received no official response to date. ② Japan ranks the second lowest out of the 29 rich countries in The Economist’s glass-ceiling index, which measures equality for women in the workplace. ③ But corporate Japan is slowly responding to #KuToo#. ④ In late March Japan Airlines announced that its female flight attendants can kick off their heels and swap skirts for trousers if they choose. ⑤ All three big mobile-phone operators have relaxed their rules on heels. 
  • to date:到目前为止。
  • ⭐️ranks the second lowest:排名倒数第二。rank:V. /ræŋk/  给…排名; 名列。在..里排名多少:rank + 序数词+ out of +(整个排名的群体)
  • glass-ceiling index:职场天花板指数。职场天花板是指 ,即便再有能力(尤其是女性),达到一定级别之后,晋升的空间也有可能变得越来越小,从而在不同的阶段遇上自身发展的困局,亦即遇到了职场天花板。
  • which measures equality for women in the workplace. which引导非限制性定语从句,用来解释其先行词“glass-ceiling index”。
  • female flight attendants 女性乘务员,空姐。attendant:n.   /əˈtendənt/   服务员;侍者
  • swap A for B: 放弃A选择B。
  • mobile-phone operators: 手机运营商。
  • 熟词僻意:relax在这里是“放宽(限制等)”的意思。


① Ms Ishikawa is collaborating with a shoe company to produce chic heel-less shoes. ② “Society is changing,” says Ms Ishikawa. ③ “We can’t be ignored.” ④  Pointless rules about footwear may soon be given the boot.
  • is collaborating with sb= is cooperating with sb:与某人合作。
  • chic: adj.   /ʃiːk/  时髦的;优雅的;雅致的。同义词:stylish/ fashion
  • ⭐️be given the boot:被解雇;被抛弃;(和某人的关系)被解除
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