
2020-12-07 16:44点击次数:2479

失信约束制度 the mechanism for deterring acts of bad faith

日前召开的国务院常务会议,确定完善失信约束制度(the mechanism for deterring acts of bad faith)、健全社会信用体系(the social credit system)的措施,为发展社会主义市场经济提供支撑。




Administrative departments must determine acts of bad faith on the basis of legally binding documents.

The scope and procedures for sharing credit information will be standardized. The principle of legality and necessity will be observed when deciding whether and to what extent credit information is shared and disclosed.


Credit这个词用法很多,在学校里多用来表示“学分”,比如:He enrolled in a documentary course worth 20 credits(他修了一门纪录片的课程,有20个学分);此外,credit还可以用来表示银行账户的“余额”或“信用、信誉”,比如:Jacob found out his bank account was out of credit.(Jacob 银行卡里没有余额了),银行通常在给人贷款之前会进行 “credit check 信用审查”,并给申请者一个 “信用评分 credit score 或 credit rating”;另外,credit还有一个常用意思就是 “赞扬、认可、功劳、荣誉”,比如:You should take all the credits for this accomplishment(这个成就应该完全归功于你)。


The identification of lists of entities that have carried out serious acts of bad faith will be better regulated. The list will be limited to those who put public health and safety in grave jeopardy, seriously sabotage fair market competition order or disrupt normal social order. The list will not be willfully expanded without authorization.

Punishment against bad-faith acts will be enforced in accordance with laws and regulations, to make sure that penalties are meted out commensurate with dishonest behaviors.


这里的commensurate是形容词,表示“(在大小、重要性、质量等方面)相称的”,通常与with连用,比如:a salary that is commensurate with skills and experience(与技能经验相匹配的薪水)。

A credit repair mechanism will be established. Entities will be allowed to fix negative credit records, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, should they correct dishonest behaviors and eliminate their adverse impact.

The meeting underlined the need to strengthen information security and privacy protection. Illegal collection and transaction of credit information will be strictly cracked down on.


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