时代周刊:Small retailers look for ways to survive the holidays (1)

2021-02-03 16:11点击次数:1355

Small retailers look for ways to survive the holidays (1)

For Mitchell and Skye Cohen, the third-generation owners of Economy Candy in New York City, the short period between Halloween and New Year’s is usually the busiest season. The store would serve upwards of a thousand customers in a weekend, when shoppers flocked to the small Lower East Side store to buy candy in bulk for holiday gifts and parties.
       米切尔·科恩(Mitchell)和斯凯·科恩(Skye Cohen)是纽约市经济糖果公司(Economy Candy)的第三代老板。对他们而言,万圣节到新年之间的这短短时间是最忙的时候。为准备节日礼物和排队,顾客会涌向下东区这家小店购买大量糖果,仅一个周末客流量便能超过一千人。
But this year, the aisles of Economy Candy are uncharacteristically quiet, devoid of their typical crowds of loyal locals and curious tourists. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit New York City in March, the Cohens halted in-person shopping for the first time in the store’s 83 years. For a business that has always relied on foot traffic for the majority of its revenue, the decision was tough but necessary: the shop wasn’t big enough to keep people a safe distance from one another, and the costs of stocking, staffing and sanitizing far outweighed the profit they’d see if they stayed open. So, for the past nine months, the Cohens have sold their sweets primarily via their website, shipping orders or arranging curbside pickup.
busy season     旺季
in bulk           大批
upwards of     ……以上;大于;超过
devoid of 缺乏;没有
foot traffic      客流量
flock       v.聚集;蜂拥
aisle        n.(教堂、戏院、火车等座位间或超市货架间的)走道,过道
uncharacteristically ad.一反常态地
hit          v.产生不良影响;打击;危害
halt         v.停止,暂停
in-person a.亲身的,在场的
sanitize    v.使卫生(如以灭菌、消毒方法)
outweigh v.重于;大于;超过
curbside  n.人行道靠近路缘的部分
pickup            n.轻型货车;接人提货


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