时代周刊:Small retailers look for ways to survive the holidays (2)

2021-02-03 16:12点击次数:1580

Small retailers look for ways to survive the holidays (2)
More than 30 million small businesses in the U.S. are struggling for footing in what should be their busiest quarter. A Visa survey taken in September found that 69% of small businesses still viewed the 2020 holiday season as a top sales opportunity–but retail looks vastly different when a health crisis is both upending the economy and changing the way we shop.
For one thing, spending this year will be lower overall, so while small businesses can expect to see a boost in sales over the winter holidays compared with recent months’ sales, it will likely be a smaller uptick than in past years. A September survey by Deloitte found that average retail sales for the year will increase by 1% to 1.5% over the holidays; by comparison, in 2019, that growth was 4.1%.
“We found this year that the overall spending per household was going to be down about 7%,” said Rodney Sides, Deloitte’s vice chairman of U.S. retail and distribution. “People are still spending money, but they’re changing how they’re spending it and what types of things they’re buying. Travel is down, but home decor is up.”
struggle for     ……斗争/奋斗
foot in                   涉足于
vastly             ad.非常,很
upend             v.使颠倒
uptick            n.(程度或价值的)小幅上升
distribution     n.(商品)经销,分销


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