时代周刊:Small retailers look for ways to survive the holidays (3)

2021-02-03 16:13点击次数:1314

Small retailers look for ways to survive the holidays (3)
And in the age of social distancing, online shopping will see a boost. A November McKinsey report found that 37% of consumers will shop more online this holiday season. As a result, many small businesses that may have had little to no digital presence are upping their online offerings.
For Maggy Moran, the manager of Revival, a clothing boutique in Iowa City, the pandemic has completely shifted how she operates. Since the shop is in a college town, the months leading up to the holidays have traditionally been big for sales; before the pandemic, students and parents would come to the store to buy clothing and gifts ahead of the school break. This year, however, the University of Iowa will be going all-virtual after Thanksgiving. And with their county’s status as a hot spot for COVID-19 cases, Moran and shop owner Sheila Davisson decided to close the store for in-person shopping and move sales completely online.
“Before the pandemic, online sales were probably less than 10%,” Moran said. “Now our entire inventory is online, and we’ve been trying to make our in-person shopping experience translate to the website.” To aid in this, Revival is offering customers the chance to curate their own holiday gift boxes, which shoppers can build over an email, phone or even video call.
digital presence      线上业务
lead up to              引向;导致
school break          暑假
hot spot                 热点地区;灾难事故多发地区
aid in                    帮助,有助于
distance          v.拉开距离;与……疏远
boost              n.增长,提高
up                  v.突然移动,突然做(意想不到的事);提高……的价格(或数量)
pandemic        n.(全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病
inventory        n.(商店的)存货,库存
curate             v.管理(博物馆或美术馆等的收藏品)


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