题源报刊阅读:Is 70 Really the New 60?(1)

2021-03-04 15:15点击次数:1664

Is 70 Really the New 60?1
We often hear that 60 is the new 50 and 70 the new 60. It is a bromide borne out by old photos. Just check out images of your grandparents or great-grandparents (depending on your age) and notice their stooped and soft bodies, their lined faces and how they seem anchored in their chairs when they were barely pushing 60. What a contrast with vigorous, gym-going sexagenarians of today!
Recent studies comparing populations born in different decades have looked beyond these surface impressions to nail down actual physical and mental differences in the ways we are aging. This research has identified particular areas of improvement. But these gains are not across the board, and they appear to depend on social, behavioral and economic factors.
bear out          证明
bromide         n.陈词滥调;溴化物(旧时用作镇静剂)
stooped          a.弓背站立(或行走)的;曲背的
lined              a.有皱纹的;画有横线的;有内衬的
anchor            v.停泊;固定;抛锚
push               v.接近(年龄)
vigorous         a.充满活力的,果断的;强壮的,强健的
sexagenarians  六十至六十九岁的(人);六十多岁的(人)
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