
2021-04-30 10:10点击次数:1999

1. Id rather you would go by train, because I cant bear the idea of your being in an airplane
                  [A                                B                       C  
in such bad weather.
2. Its essential that people be psychological able to resist the impact brought about by the
                      [A B                                           C    
transition from planned economy to market economy.
3. Some bosses dislike to allow people to share their responsibllities; they keep all important
                     [A          B                                                  C  
matters tightly in their own hands.
4. Each cigarette which a person smokes does some harm, and eventually you may get a serious
                                [A B                              C  
disease from its effect.
5. On the whole, ambitious students are much likely to succeed in their studies than are those
      [A                                       B                                                               C
with littleambition.                                                                                                                                                                             
1. 【解析】would rather (=had rather)意为“宁愿,更喜欢”。它接从句时,通常不用连接词that,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气形式,即用一般过去时表示现在或将来的愿望;用过去完成时表示过去的愿望。如:I would rather you paid the money yourself now.(现在)(我宁愿现在你自己去付钱。)I would rather she hadnt done that.(过去)(我宁愿她没那样做。)因此,题句中[A]应改为went。[Bcant bear意为“不能忍受”,后面可接名词、动名词或不定式(接不定式与动名词时区别不大),如:She couldnt bear the thought of losing him.(她不敢想失去他的情况。)[Cyour being是带逻辑主语的动名词,作介词of的宾语。[Dsuch修饰不可数名词weather,不能加冠词a
2. 【解析】一般来讲形容词修饰名词,表示名词的属性;副词修饰动词和形容词,说明其程度、方式等,本句中psychological是形容词,因此不能再修饰另外一个形容词able,[B]应改为副词psychologically。形容词essential后接从句时,谓语动词要用“(should+原形”的虚拟语气形式,因此[A]正确。[Cbrought about是过去分词短语,作impact(影响)的后置定语。[Dplanned是过去分词,作economy的前置定语。
3. 【解析】 dislike可接动名词或不定式作宾语,区别在于:动名词表示一般和抽象的意义;不定式表示具体某次、某个行为或动作。如:I dislike getting up early in the morning.(我讨厌早起。)I dislike to mention it, but you own me some money.(你还欠我一些钱,我本不想提这事。)本句中论述的是一般的情况,因此[Ato allow应改为动名词allowing。[B]构成固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.的一部分。[Call为限定词,修饰important matters。[Dtightly为副词,修饰动词keep
4. 【解析】Cyou与前面的a person指代不一致,a person泛指“一个人”,可以用第三人称单数he来替代,因此[C]应改为he。[A]项does是谓语,其主语是each cigarette,单复数一致。[Bsome在肯定句中修饰不可数名词harm。[Ditscigarette的所有格形式,修饰effect
5.【解析】than用作连词时,要与形容词或副词的比较级连用,因此[B]应改为are more likelyare much more likely。[Aon the whole为固定短语,意为“总的来说”。[C]干扰性较大,很多考生认为are是多余的,应省略。其实整个句子原来是ambitious students are more likely to succeed in their studies than those with little ambition arelikely to succeed),比较对象是主从句的两个主语,从句的表语省略时,从句要采用倒装结构,即,将助动词are前置。[Dwithlittle ambition)是介词短语,修饰thosestudents)。
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