
2021-12-27 11:43点击次数:2218

具体试题如下:The exams regulator in England, Ofqual, is "killing off" modern languages by failing to address the excessive difficulty of language GCSE and A-level exams, according to more than 150 academics. In a letter published in the Guardian, the 152 academics warn that the exams are graded too severely and the stress for pupils is "disproportionate" "They will have to sit excessively difficult exams and accept that their grade may well end up lower than their performance deserves." the letter says. 
The excessive difficulty of language GCSE and A-level exams may lead to ______.
(A) the exams regulator's lack of duty concerning languages.
(B) severe grading of exams concerning language pupils.
(C) pupils' poor performance in handling the stress of learning
(D) inappropriate stress for pupils when dealing with exams. 
150多名学者表示,英国考试监管机构Ofqual因未能解决GCSEA-level语言考试过于困难的问题,正在扼杀现代语言。第二句话:exams are graded too severely and the stress for pupils is "disproportionate"考试评分太过严格,学生的压力不成比例 这句话先解释原因“评分严格”,因此压力很大,揭示了这个事件的后果。最后一句话是用引号表达的,引语一般是对细节拓展,来进一步说明前一句的巨大压力“他们将不得不参加非常困难的考试,并接受他们的成绩最终可能低于他们应得的表现”。简单来说,本段中三句话,是按照 介绍事件---事件原因+事件结果---“结果的原因分析”的逻辑展开的。这道题是问该事件导致的结果,因此选D。通过这样的解释学生也就瞬间明白了这其中的逻辑。
具体试题如下:Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is itself another reason for optimism. Researchers at the World Health Organization have calculated that HIV could be effectively eradicated in Africa and other had-hit places using existing drugs. The trick is to test everyone often, and give those who test positive ART as soon as possible. Because the drugs rapidly reduce circulating levels of the virus to almost zero, it would stop people passing it in through sex. By blocking the cycle of infection in this way, the virus could be virtually eradicated by 2050.
  1. As another bit of good news, __________.
A. HIV will be virtually wiped out first in Africa
B. the cycle of HIV infection can be broken with ART.
C. the circulating levels of HIV have been limited to almost zero.
D. the existing HIV drugs will be enhanced to be more effective in 25 years.
【分析】题干问:另一个好消息是什么?相当于是问这件事情的原因。因为这篇文章的事件在首段,介绍了艾滋病的研究发展的三个好消息。本段第一句直接点明(ART)疗法是另一个乐观的理由。第二句话是说明运用ART疗法的结果--- HIV could be effectively eradicated in Africa and other had-hit places using existing drugs利用现有的药物,可以在非洲和其他受感染地区有效地根除艾滋病毒”,第三句话具体说明此疗法是怎么实施的。第四句话进一步说明结果it(ART) would stop people passing it(virus) in through sex(ART)将阻止人们通过性传播病毒”,因此C选项只是解释了为什么ART可以阻止人们通过性传播病毒的原因,不能回答题干的要求。最后一句话阐明了原因By blocking the cycle of infection in this way通过这种方式阻断感染周期”,因此这就是解答了为什么ART疗法是另一个乐观理由的原因。答案选B。这段的句子关系是:原因---结果1结果2原因。
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