华慧考博英语: 气候危机与文化战争的纠缠 (5)

2022-02-07 21:37点击次数:1738

  • For the environmental sector, seemingly gaining ground in the fight for hearts and minds, this evolution of the climate wars has been a dislocating experience.
  • 对于环境部门来说,似乎在争取人心的斗争中获得了优势,气候战争的这种演变是一种错位的经历。
  • Not only are progressive campaigners being forced to defend themselves against charges of elitism, but theyre having to do so within the confines of privately run walled gardens such as Facebook, where profit-seeking algorithms determine whose voices speak loudest, and those seeking to push culture-war narratives find fertile ground.
  • 不仅进步的运动者被迫为自己辩护,反对精英主义的指控,而且他们不得不在私人经营的围墙花园(如Facebook)的范围内这样做,在那里,追求利润的算法决定了谁的声音最响亮,那些寻求推动文化战争的叙述找到了肥沃的土壤。
  • As an example of what the new battleground looks like, climate activists point to the gilet jaunes (yellow vests) movement in France which began as a protest against fuel tax rises but expanded into a broader critique of economic injustice imposed by haughty technocrats and power outages in Texas last winter that were erroneously blamed by many American rightwing pundits on the failures of wind power.
  • 作为新战场的一个例子,气候活动家指出,法国的 "黄马甲 "运动最初是对燃油税上涨的抗议,但后来扩展为对傲慢的技术官僚所强加的经济不公的更广泛的批判,而去年冬天德克萨斯州的停电被许多美国右翼学者错误地归咎于风力发电的失败。
  • Over the course of just a few days in February, millions of internet users were subjected to disinformation about the blackouts, including a viral image of a helicopter supposedly being sent to de-ice a frozen Texas wind turbine, which was actually taken in Sweden many years earlier.
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