华慧考博英语: 气候危机与文化战争的纠缠 (7)

2022-02-07 21:40点击次数:2007

  • The idea that decarbonisation is inherently elitist is a myth, peddled largely by political figures who have shown little concern for deprived communities in any other context, and who ignore the fact that without a net zero transition it is the very poorest globally and domestically who will suffer most severely.
  • 去碳化本质上是精英主义的想法,主要由政治人物兜售,他们在任何其他情况下都没有表现出对贫困社区的关注,他们忽略了一个事实,即如果没有净零过渡,全球和国内的最贫穷的人将遭受最严重的影响。
  • But like all effective myths, it is founded on a kernel of truth: namely that under successive governments, political decision-making has felt remote and unaccountable, the rich have got richer, and life for a great many of the rest of us has grown harder.
  • 但是,像所有有效的神话一样,它建立在一个真理的内核上:即在历届政府的领导下,政治决策感到遥远和不负责任,富人变得更富有,而我们许多人的生活变得更艰难。
  • Of course we are jumping on this, but we are jumping on it because we think its a real issue, said Benny Peiser, director of the GWPF, when I questioned him about the organisations shift in focus.
  • 当我问及该组织的重点转移时,GWPF主任Benny Peiser说:"我们当然会关注这个问题,但我们关注这个问题是因为我们认为这是一个真正的问题。
  • He went on: A year ago, if someone asked their MP, Why are you not raising questions about the cost of net zero?
  • 他继续说:一年前,如果有人问他们的国会议员,你为什么不提出关于净零排放成本的问题?
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