华慧考博双语阅读: 为啥这届年轻人不想结婚了?

2022-04-28 11:45点击次数:2455

Divorce Is Down in China, but So Are Marriages

Faced with a soaring divorce rate, China introduced a rule last year to keep unhappy marriages together by forcing couples to undergo a 30-day “cooling off” period before finalizing a divorce.



The rule appears to have worked, according to government statistics released this week, which show a steep drop in divorce filings in 2021.



Local officials have hailed the new rule as a success in the country’s effort to grow families and curb a demographic crisis threatening China’s economy. But it has a much bigger challenge to reckon with: Fewer and fewer Chinese citizens are getting married in the first place.



  • 本段语言知识点积累

  • undergo 经历,经受,遭受if you undergo a change, an unpleasant experience etc, it happens to you or is done to you,比如说:•The country has undergone massive changes recently这个国家最近经历了巨大的变化。•She has been undergoing tests since Monday.从星期一起她一直在做各种检查。

  • finalize v.(尤指经与他人讨论)最后确定,最终敲定;If you finalize something such as a plan or an agreement, you complete the arrangements for it, especially by discussing it with other people.举个例子:We are saying nothing until all the details have been finalised.在所有细节最后确定下来之前我们无可奉告。

  • hail sb / sth as sth 把…称赞为,把…誉为:to describe someone or something as being very good,比如说:•Lang's first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece.朗格的第一部电影立即就誉为一部杰作。•The new service has been hailed a success.新推出的服务被认为很成功。


Along with the decline in the divorce rate, the number of marriage registrations plunged to a 36-year low in 2021. The fall in marriages has contributed to a plummet in birthrates, a worrying sign in China’s rapidly graying society and a phenomenon more familiar in countries like Japan and South Korea.



Many young Chinese people say they would prefer not to get married, as a job becomes harder to find, competition more fierce and the cost of living less manageable.



“I do not want to get married at all,” said Yao Xing, a 32-year-old bachelor who lives in the city of Dandong, near China’s border with North Korea. His parents are pressuring him to get married and have children, but Mr. Yao said his job buying and selling kitchenware had made it hard to keep a steady income, which he sees as a prerequisite to marriage. Besides, he added, many women don’t want to get married anyway.



“I think more and more people around me don’t want to get married, and the divorce rate and marriage rate in China have dropped significantly, which I think is an irreversible trend,” Mr. Yao said.



Rising gender inequality at work and at home has caused many women to think twice about marriage as well. Better educated and more financially independent than their mothers, younger women have watched as their economic position has changed while society’s view of them has not.



  • 本段语言知识点积累

  • pressure sb to do sth 逼着某人做某事,给某人施压使得做某事,这里的pressure是动词,表示if you pressure someone to do something, you try forcefully to persuade them to do it.比如说:Don't let yourself be pressured into making a hasty decision. 不要勉强自己仓促作出决定。 
  • prerequisite /priː'rekwɪzɪt/  先决条件;前提;必要条件;If one thing is a prerequisite for another, it must happen or exist before the other thing is possible. 比如说:Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life.良好的自尊是幸福生活的前提。•A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.掌握一定程度的英语是学习这门课程的先决条件。
  • financially independent 经济独立地


The couples who do get married in China often prefer not to have children, citing worries about the rising cost of education and the burden of taking care of aging parents while also having young children. Some are delaying getting married, choosing instead to live together without the ceremony and, often, without the children.



“The relatively lower marriage rates coupled with rising divorce rates might signal the deinstitutionalization of marriage, which means more people might choose cohabitation over marriage,” said Ye Liu, a senior lecturer in the department of international development at King’s College London.



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