考博英语双语新闻:亚马逊为Alexa语音助手开发新功能 一分钟模仿已故亲人声音

2022-07-04 09:26点击次数:1338

亚马逊为Alexa语音助手开发新功能 一分钟模仿已故亲人声音
Amazons Alexa could soon mimic voice of dead relatives

Amazons Alexa might soon replicate the voice of family members - even if theyre dead.


The capability, unveiled at Amazons Re:Mars conference in Las Vegas, is in development and would allow the virtual assistant to mimic the voice of a specific person based on a less than a minute of provided recording.


Rohit Prasad, senior vice president and head scientist for Alexa, said at the event Wednesday that the desire behind the feature was to build greater trust in the interactions users have with Alexa by putting more human attributes of empathy and affect.


These attributes have become even more important during the ongoing pandemic when so many of us have lost ones that we love,Prasad said. While AI cant eliminate that pain of loss, it can definitely make their memories last.


In a video played by Amazon at the event, a young child asks Alexa, can Grandma finish reading me the Wizard of Oz?Alexa then acknowledges the request, and switches to another voice mimicking the childs grandmother. The voice assistant then continues to read the book in that same voice.


To create the feature, Prasad said the company had to learn how to make a high-quality voicewith a shorter recording, opposed to hours of recording in a studio. Amazon did not provide further details about the feature, which is bound to spark more privacy concerns and ethical questions about consent.


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