
2022-09-02 11:12点击次数:2573

xylophone: A percussion instrument consisting of a mount draw of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic scale, played with two small mallets. bass drum: A large drum having a cylindrical body and two heads and producing a low, resonant sound. tambourine: An instrument consisting of a small drum head with jingling disks that are fitted into the rim. It is shaken with one hand and struck with the other.
木琴: 种打击乐器,由逐级加长的排排镶嵌的木棒组成,并发出半音音阶,用两个小木槌敲击。大鼓:一种大鼓,有个圆简形鼓身和两个面,并能发出低沉的、共鸣的声音。
铃鼓: 小手鼓,一种由边缘嵌有能叮当作响的小金属片的小鼓面构成的种乐器,演奏时人们一只手播它而另一只手敲它。

The numbering of intervals continues in exactly the same way after the octave (8th). Thus an interval of an 8ve plus a 5th is a 12th, and an interval of two 8ves is a 15th. Interval of more than an octave are known as compound intervals: a major 10th, for example, can be called a “compound major 3rd”. Compound intervals have the same qualities( major, minor etc. ) as the corresponding intervals within an octave.
If there are two fragments of melody, A and B, when they are played together they form harmonic intervals If B is written an octave higher and then combined with A, the two melodies will still sound well together, but the resulting harmonic intervals are different. Not all pairs of melodies can be interchanged in this way. Whey they can, they are said to be “invertible”.P 15

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