
2023-03-08 11:25点击次数:1372



Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded 14.5 percent year on year to 127.69 billion yuan in January, the Ministry of Commerce said Monday.


In U.S. dollar terms, the FDI inflow went up 10 percent year on year to 19.02 billion U.S. dollars.


High-tech industries saw a rapid FDI increase of 62.8 percent in January. Specifically, foreign investment in high-tech manufacturing surged 74.5 percent, while that in the high-tech service sector rose 59.6 percent.


FDI flowing into the country's central region reported a year-on-year expansion of 25.9 percent, followed by 21.6 percent in the western region.



高水平开放 high-standard opening-up

跨境服务贸易负面清单  negative list for cross-border trade in services

高质量发展  high-quality development

世界第一制造大国  the world's largest manufacturing country

(来源;新华社  编辑:yaning)

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