
2019-08-07 17:05点击次数:4876


个人主页: http://math.ustc.edu.cn/new/teachersinfo1.php?id=33

Personal resume
中国科学技术大学数学系教授、博士生导师。入选2005年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。获2012年宝钢优秀教师奖。先后主持四项国家自然科学基金项目。 曾在欧洲做访问学者、博士后、研究员四年。
发表论文60篇, 其中40余篇是SCIE论文。 论文发表在学术杂志:
01.《J. Reine Angew. Math.》
02.《J. Approximation Theory》
03.《Studia Math.》
04.《J. Algebra》
05.《Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.》
06.《Complex Analysis and Operator Theory》
07.《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》
08.《Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.》
09.《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》
10.《Math. Nachr.》
11 《Clifford Algebra》(Birkhauser, 2004)
12 《Wavelet Analysis and Applications》》(Birkhauser, 2007)
主要研究方向:Clifford分析, 函数空间与算子理论,多复变数函数论。
Research direction
Enrollment information
Tel: 0551-63600207
The monograph
1) The diagonal mapping in mixed norm spaces - Studia Math. - 2004 - 163(2004), 103-117
2) Weighted Lipschitz continuity,harmonic Bloch and Besov spaces in the real unit ball - Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. - 2005 - 48 (2005), 743-755
3) Boundary behavior of Gleason's problem in hyperbolic harmonic Bergman spaces - Science in China - 2005 - 48(2005),145-154
4) Bergman projection in Clifford analysis - Progress in Math. Physics, Birkhauser - 2004 - 34(2004),125--139
5) Weighted Bloch spaces and Gleason's problem - Complex Varables - 2003 - 48,235-245
6) Radial derivatives on bounded symmetric domains - Studia Math. - 2003 - 157,57-70
7) Weighted Holder continuity of hyperbolic harmonic bloch functions - Z.anal.Anwendungen - 2002 - 21,599-610
8) Almansi type theorems in Clifford Analysis - Math.Meth.Appl.Sci - 2002 - 25,499-502
9) Sharp estimates for functions in Bergman and Besov spaces - Acta Math.Sin(Engl.Ser) - 2002 - 18,499-504
10) Harmonic Bergman spaces with small exponents in the unit ball - Collect Math. - 2002 - 53, 83-96.
11) Duality for harmonic mixed norm spaces in the uint ball of Cn - Ann. Sci. Math. Quebec - 2001 - 25,179-197
12) Diagonal mappings on Bounded symmetric domains - Chinese J. Contemp. Math. - 2001 - 22,11-22.
13) Hardy-Littlewood inequalities and Qp-spaces - Z. Anal. Anwendungen - 2005 - 24(2005),375-388
14) Almansi decomposition for Dunkl operators - Science in China - 2005 - 48A Supp.(2005), 333-342
15) Holomorphic Jackson's theorems in polydiscs - J. Approximation Theory - 2005 - 134(2005),175-198
16) The growth and covering theorems for several mappings on the unit ball in complex Banach spaces - Chin. Ann. Math., Ser. A - 2007 - 28 (2007), 215-230.
17) Jackson's theorem on bounded symmetric domains - Acta Math. Sinica (Engl. Ser) - 2007 - 23 (2007), 1391-1404
18) Almansi decomposition for Dunkl-Helmholtz operators - Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis,Birkhauser - 2007 - 2007, 35-42.
19) Coefficient multipliers of mixed norm spaces in the ball - Science in China, Ser. A - 2006 - 49 (2006), 1491-1503.
20) Clifford analysis for finite reflection groups - Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., - 2006 - 51 (2006), 487--495.
21) Holland-Walsh characterization for Besov spaces - J. of USTC - 2006 - 36 (2006), 727-731.
22) Berezin transform in Clifford analysis - NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS - 2008 - 2008
23) Liouville Theorem for Dunkl Polyharmonic Functions - SIGMA - 2008 - 4(2008)
24) Almansi decomposition for poly-ultrahyperbolic functions - Acta. Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) - 2009 - 25 (2009)
25) Chirp transforms and Chirp series - J. Math. Anal. Appl - 2011 - 373(2011)
26) Mobius gyrogroups: a Clifford algebra approach - Journal of Algebra - 2011 - 328(2011)
27) Howe duality in Dunkl superspace - Science China: Mathematics - 2010 - 53(2010)
28) Jackson's Theorem in Qp Spaces - Science in China, Series A. - 2010 - 53 (2010)
29) Gradient estimates and Jackson's theorem in Q spaces related to measures - J. Approximation Theory - 2008 - 155 (2008)
30) Cesaro operators on Hardy spaces in the unit ball - J. Math. Anal. Appl. - 2008 - 339(2008)
31) A unified approach to decomposition of kernels of iterated operators - Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. - 2007 - 30 (2007)
32) Almansi decomposition for polyharmonic, polyheat, and polywave functions - Studia Math - 2006 - 172 (2006), 91-100
33) Bloch space in the unit ball of Cn - Proc. Amer. Math. Soc - 2005 - 133(2005),719-726
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