
2024-11-01 10:24点击次数:1310

7.The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United kingdom.
【词汇突破】illustrate 例证;
      in terms of 根据,以…为依据;
【主干识别】The trend was most obvious and can be illustrated. 主系表结构两个并列的动词
【其他成分】naturally ,in those areas of science , in terms of the development of geology in the United kingdom为状语。
【微观解析】based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training修饰状语中的名词science做定语。
【难点揭秘】naturally especially 副词做状语放的位置都不是在开头和结尾,而是放在了中间部分,这样给我们阅读带来一定的困扰,但是难点既亮点,我们在写作的过程中就可以灵活的运用:based especially on这样的表达了。
8.The report identifies the under treatment of pain and the aggressive use of "ineffectual and forced medical proceduresthat may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying as the twin problems of end--of--life care.
【词汇突破】 under treatment 治疗不足
        aggressive 1.侵略的,侵犯的 2.好斗的,挑衅的 3.有进取精神的;有干劲的 4.大胆的
        dishonor 使丢脸,使受耻辱
        medical procedures 医疗手段
【主干识别】The report identifiesandas the twin problems of end--of--life care 主谓宾宾补结构;the under treatment of painthe aggressive use of "ineffectual and forced medical proceduresthat may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying 为并列的宾语成分。
【微观解析】that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying为定语从句修饰ineffectual and forced medical procedures,定语从句中有两个并列的动词prolong and dishonor做谓语。
【难点揭秘】这个句子的困难之处就在于并列宾语的后半部分加上了一个定语从句进而使identify as 之间的距离拉大,产生了阅读障碍。
【翻译点拨】这个句子的翻译主要考察对于词的理解: dishonor the period of dying 直接翻译就是:使死亡的阶段受到耻辱。可以转译为:让病人死的不体面。中文是习惯是以人为主体的。还有就是medical procedures 表示医疗手段而不要翻译成医疗过程。
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