
2020-03-03 23:24点击次数:3618


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粪便样本 stool specimens

Researchers from multiple organizations, including the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease under Guangzhou Medical University, have successfully isolated a strain of virus from swab sample of an infected patient's feces, said Zhao Jincun, a member of Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan's research group, at a press conference Thursday.

The swab sample was provided by the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, said Zhao, also a professor with the laboratory.

Meanwhile, a research team led by Li Lanjuan, a renowned Chinese epidemiologist, also isolated novel coronavirus strains from stool specimens of infected patients. Three of the five feces samples tested positive, according to Wu Nanping, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Zhejiang University.

赵金存表示,这个发现证实了排出的粪便的确存在活病毒,不过目前还没有充分的证据说明存在粪口传播(fecal-oral transmission)。


Transmission through means of respiratory and contact remain the major routes of the novel coronavirus spreading. Despite digestive tract problems of some patients, either as incipient symptoms or complications, the main clinical symptoms of the disease are fever, general weakness and dry cough, Mi said, adding that the coronavirus isolated from patients' feces is not yet illustrative to prove the change of the transmission route.

Mi said that stomach and intestine symptoms, such as diarrhea, of some patients in the early stages, the positive test for the coronavirus nucleic acid in feces samples of patients and the isolated virus from patients' feces samples indicate the proliferation of the virus can happen in the digestive tract after infection.


米锋表示,戴好口罩和做好手卫生(wearing masks and keeping hands clean)是最重要、最有效的防护措施,坚持勤洗手、规范洗手和手消毒(washing hands more frequently, in the right way and disinfection of hands),可以从根本上减少感染风险。

吴南屏建议:大家注意公共卫生,多洗手、吃熟食,食物要洗净烧透(make sure that food is thoroughly cleaned and well cooked),注意个人卫生及必要的污水处理(sewage treatment)。

赵金存表示,提醒大家要更加重视个人和家庭的清洁,如便后洗手,注意下水道的通畅(make sure the plumbing system run smoothly),以避免有可能出现的粪便病毒的传播。


血浆治疗 plasma therapy

In the latest guideline over the diagnosis and treatment of the virus issued on Feb 5, the top health authorities said plasma of recovering patients could be employed to fight the disease.

业内专家指出,从临床病理发生过程看,大部分新冠肺炎患者经过治疗康复后,身体内会产生针对新冠病毒的特异性抗体(antibodies for the novel coronavirus),可杀灭和清除病毒。


Seven patients are receiving treatment using the therapy at Jiangxia First People's Hospital, in Wuhan's Jiangxia district, Liu Bende, vice-president of the hospital, said.

Twelve to 24 hours after the therapy, patients have seen a decline in indicators of inflammation and a hike in lymphocytes, among other favorable turns.

"Of the patients, those in serious condition have not deteriorated so far, while those in a milder condition have showed improvement," he said. "In general, we have not seen serious side effects or complications due to the therapy."




Cured patients have to meet certain criteria before donating plasma. "First, donors must be in good health… we won't collect their plasma forcefully," Shen said. "They must donate voluntarily."


Plasma from patients with chronic diseases cannot be used, even if they have recovered from novel coronavirus pneumonia.


金银潭医院院长张定宇表示,建议康复者在治愈两周后参加捐献(donate plasma two weeks after full recovery),这样能保证他体内的病毒已经得到很好地清除。


野生动物违规交易 illegal trade of wild animals


Sites used to breed wild animals will be placed under strict isolation, and nearby warning signs are now required, according to an announcement by the five departments released on Friday.

Furthermore, trade or transportation of wild animals and related products are prohibited in both brick and mortar stores and e-commerce platforms. Exceptions are only made for fished aquatic products.

The announcement said any store that breaks the law will be closed, and anybody illegally trading or transporting wild animals will receive heavier punishment in accordance with related laws and regulations.

1月26日,为严防新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,阻断可能的传染源和传播途径,市场监管总局、农业农村部、国家林草局决定,即日起至全国疫情解除期间,禁止野生动物交易活动(impose a temporary ban on the trade of all wild animals across the country)。

In Yunnan province, 2,351 wild animal farms have been temporarily closed to the public, and all administrative approvals related to wild animals have been suspended.

By Feb 11, the Yunnan forestry security department had handled 186 cases of illegal wild animal trading with 20 suspects being held and 1,405 live animals caught.

流行病学特征 epidemiological characteristics

2月17日,中国疾病预防控制中心新型冠状病毒肺炎应急响应机制流行病学组在《中华流行病学杂志》上发表新冠肺炎最新研究《新型冠状病毒肺炎流行病学特征分析(the epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases)》。


It finds that 80.9% of infections are classified as mild, 13.8% as severe and 4.7% as critical. The number of deaths among those infected, known as the fatality rate, remains low but rises among those over 80 years old.

Looking at the sex ratio, men are more likely to die (2.8%) than women (1.7%).

The study also identifies which existing illnesses put patients at risk. It puts cardiovascular disease at number one, followed by diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and hypertension.

The paper says that a total of 3,019 health workers have been infected, 1,716 of which were confirmed cases. Five had died by February 11.


The study suggests that the downward trend in the overall epidemic curve could mean that "isolation of whole cities, broadcast of critical information (e.g., promoting hand washing, mask wearing) with high frequency through multiple channels, and mobilization of a multi-sector rapid response teams is helping to curb the epidemic".

诊疗方案 treatment plan


The latest version of the plan abolished different epidemic-related standards inside and outside the epicenter of Hubei province, and will only identify "suspected cases" and "confirmed cases" across the country.


具体来看,第六版诊疗方案将“经呼吸道飞沫和接触传播是主要的传播途径”改为“经呼吸道飞沫和密切接触传播是主要的传播途径(the main transmission route is droplet transmission and close contact transmission)。”“接触”前增加“密切”二字。增加“在相对封闭的环境中长时间暴露于高浓度气溶胶情况下存在经气溶胶传播的可能(aerosol transmission of the novel coronavirus is possible if one is exposed to a highly concentrated mixture in an enclosed area for an extended period)。”

临床表现上,重症患者严重者除了“快速进展为急性呼吸窘迫综合征(develop rapidly into Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)、脓毒症休克(septic shock)、难以纠正的代谢性酸中毒(difficult-to-tackle metabolic acidosis)和出凝血功能障碍(bleeding and coagulation dysfunction)”外,还可出现“多器官功能衰竭(multiple organ failure)”。

此外,在重症、危重症病例的治疗(treatment of patients displaying serious or critical symptoms)中,对康复者血浆治疗(infusions of blood plasma from recovered patients)的适用症和用法、用量进一步细化。

值得注意的是,诊疗方案还增加了“出院后注意事项”,患者出院后,因恢复期机体免疫功能低下,有感染其他病原体风险,应继续进行14天自我健康状况监测(recovered patients should monitor health conditions and continue to quarantine themselves for 14 days),佩戴口罩,有条件的居住在通风良好的单人房间,减少与家人的近距离密切接触,分餐饮食,做好手卫生,避免外出活动。建议在出院后第2周、第4周到医院随访、复诊(at the second and fourth week after being discharged, they are supposed to revisit the hospital and undergo a checkup)。

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