
2020-04-01 17:12点击次数:4970

                       What will happen when our mother tongue is lost?
With the deepening communication of different countries or ethnic groups, each nation cant escape the influence of others. There is a sad fact that the number of languages in the world has shown a gradual decline over decades. In China, some ethic languages have never been heard. As far as I can see, the extinction of mother tongue is the misfortune for individuals and the well-being of human beings.
Mother tongue is the carrier of national culture and common character which are unique to each nation. It gives people a sense of identity and belonging. Without mother tongue, we will not know who we are, where we are from and which community we belong to. Furthermore, mother tongue can endow us with national confidence and a sense of pride. If we lost it, we will not recognize ourselves as the special beings in the enormous world but just empty shells. Last but not least, many language evolves over thousands of years and contains much wisdom of ancestors and experiences. It is such a pity that we lost the treasure which our ancestors has taught us.  
  Conclusively, it is important to remember that we should not overemphasize other languages and neglect our own languages. That is because our mother tongues are the hallmarks of our origin and it is diversification that makes the world colorful. It is imperative for us to attach more importance to the preservation of our mother tongues, especial
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