考博英语复习:《时代周刊》小短文阅读——passage 3

2020-04-30 16:05点击次数:3746

考博英语复习:《时代周刊》小短文阅读——passage 3
When Michael Harrington's classic book, The Other America, called attention to America's general poverty rate of about 25% in 1962, Washington developed social programs that brought the rate down sharply. Valuable policies, including the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, have been enacted since then, but they are not enough: 1 in 3 children does not receive the full benefits of these programs because their parents do not earn enough to be eligible for them. Poor children have many needs, but research shows that money may matter most. For example, a 2013 review of dozens of studies by London School of Economics researchers found that "Poorer children have worse cognitive, social-behavioural and health outcomes in part because they are poorer, and not just because poverty is correlated with other household and parental characteristics." A family with two children receiving $300 to $400 a month per child could improve their standard of living immediately. Money can buy food, heat, coats, eyeglasses and regular doctors' visits, including transportation, and help pay for childcare. It can also help reduce family stress and help parents provide a psychologically nourishing environment in which learning and social development can germinate. Studies demonstrate improved cognitive and educational performance when families are simply given more money. An illustrative finding is what happened when a Cherokee tribe passed on thousands of dollars in casino profits to its children starting in the late 1990s. Follow-up analyses showed that these children dropped out of school far less, were incarcerated in lower numbers and had higher wages over time than similar groups with no access to cash.

The historian Michael Katz correctly notes, "One of the odd aspects of the history of writing about poverty is the avoidance of the simple view that people are poor because they lack money," yet both the left and the right denigrate direct cash aid as a waste and an inducement to laziness and abuse. It is good that Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has stressed the benefits of a universal basic income, citing studies that show such cash allowances do not induce the shirking of work, but his plan could cost $2.8 trillion a year and the poor would have to return welfare assistance like food stamps to receive the outlay. For far less money—about $100 billion— the number of children living in official poverty could be cut in half. Such a policy would be a humane, practical, efficient victory for a nation too willing to neglect its poor.


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