考博汉译英素材: 中国健康事业的发展与人权进步(政府白皮书节选 )

2020-05-06 14:04点击次数:3491



        Health is a precondition for the survival of humanity and the development of human society. The right to health is a basic human right rich in connotations. It is the guarantee for a life with dignity. Everyone is entitled to the highest standard of health, equally available and accessible
        The Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government have always focused on the people's needs while seeking the development of the nation. Putting the people first, the Party and the government work to fulfill the people's aspiration for a better life, and strive to enhance the people's well-being and all-round development. China has always put the people's health at the top of its policy agenda, working hard to improve the people's health and fitness, and making universal health and fitness a primary goal of development. With years of strenuous effort, marked progress has been achieved in making the Chinese people healthier - China is no longer the "sick man of East Asia." China has made continued improvement in boosting the overall strength of its public health and medical services, and in enhancing the physical fitness and health conditions of its people. China has been hailed as a "role model for developing countries" by the World Health Organization (WHO) in recognition of its achievements.
        Prosperity for all is impossible without health for all. Health for all is a solemn promise to the people by the CPC and the Chinese government. Since the Party's 18th National Congress in November 2012, under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core, China has given top priority to improving the people's health, incorporating the development philosophy of innovation, coordination, green development, opening up and shared benefits into the promotion and protection of the people's right to health. Focusing on promoting healthy lifestyles, improving health services, enhancing medical security, building a healthy environment and developing the health industry, China is striving to enhance public health and fitness, providing full-life-cycle medical and health services to its people. With improvement in the Chinese people's right to health, China's human rights have also seen profound progress.

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