
2020-09-04 16:14点击次数:2108


Many of them become frequent job-hoppers upon graduation from college and will hardly make any achievement. They always hold that they were bestowed with genius and would sooner or later find some place to bring their genius into full play. As a result, they would not take a down-to-earth attitude in doing anything but feel wronged no matter what jobs they get. To them, nothing is right or satisfactory, just like the saying goes: “Distant mountains are always greener and taller.” Thus, job-hopping becomes

In modern peoples’ eyes, disgrace is nothing, whereas, fame is everything. Thus, everyone is overeager to show his face on the TV. He who can’t grasp such an opportunity rushes to “strip” himself online, no matter how ugly he might look, how disgraceful the thing might be, as long as he can fish for fame in return. “Show” swiftly goes to the reverse: no shyness, all showiness.

They buy houses only for the purpose of showing off, even if they are heavily burdened by mortgage. Housing is the inevitable topic of conversation no matter what you may talk about with them. Those who haven’t bought a flat want to buy one, those who already bought one want to buy a bigger one, and those who already have big ones want to buy a second one. Flat as their wallets are, their blood boils with sudden urges to buy whenever some new building opens for sale. When it comes to interior decoration, they will also strive to score off their neighbors. You make a palace of your flat? Well, I shall make a presidential suite of mine. However, as their salaries are limited, they cannot but save every penny in order to make ends meet. Thus, they drag out a miserable existence under heavy spiritual burden from day to day.

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