
2020-09-04 16:15点击次数:2572


When it comes to the purchase of private cars, they also keep vying with each other, ignoring the already serious traffic jam. Many of them buy cares only to save their faces: they are afraid to be looked down upon if they don’t own cars when others do. Some girls even demand private cars as a must for marriage. Though driving one’s own car costs more than hiring a taxi, they still rush to buy. As a result, there are more and more cars to cram the already crowded streets, and very often walking proves to be quicker than driving.

Very often shopping reduces their wisdom and they fall into traps set up by businessmen. The mere sight of “discount” of any commodity will urge them to squeeze into the crowded store to buy it no matter whether they really need it or not, and this practice has become an obsession. As a result, heaps of unwanted things reduce their homes into dumping grounds. As a matter of fact, sometimes they know very well that no discounted goods is of high quality and they even swear not to be taken in any more. However, they cannot help themselves as soon they see signs of “discount” or “promotion”.
(陈德彰 译)
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